Force List Manufactorum

Take the frustration out of making those army lists!

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Just Some Features You Will Love!

Cross Platform

Our web based design means you can use this anywhere as long as you can connect to the internet on Mac, PC, smart phone, tablet and more!

Rules Compliant

Having trouble figuring out how to equip your figures while staying legal? Our simple interface makes sure your army stays within reason.

No Install Headaches

Nothing to download. Nothing to install. Nothing to fear!

Up To Date!

We are commited and will be updating periodically as new codexes are released, so you won't have to wait long to unleash your new goodies.

Bug Squasher

We are almost certain that it's perfect but we can't be sure. Tell us when something goes wrong, and we will be on the job! Lickity split.

Mobile ready

Need to have a quick change on your phone? Need to have your list on a tablet during your game? Well, our mobile optimised site has your back.