This application is built from scratch and maintained through donations, all of which are greatly appreciated!
- Force-Builder dev team
Fox & Huynh Software
Welcome to the Force Builder web application, a tool built from scratch for assembling army lists for the warhammer games.
Check out some of our other stuff:
- Links here
Conact us directly at
As a mean of sponsoring Force-Builder, we offer a paid service with additional great features for £6.99 - see terms and conditions.
- Save & Load your forces, continuing where you left off
- Share your forces with friends
- Upcoming: Forge World units and much more! Full Name: Email: Confirm Email: Password: Confirm Password:
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A PayPal payment window should have opened in your browser – please complete the payment and then return here.
For additional support contact
Update Account Settings
Update the email and password associated with your account.
New Email: Confirm Email:
* Emails don't matchOld Password: New Password: Confirm Password:
* Password too short
Saved Forces
Show forces for Race:
URL to share the selected force with friends:
Password Reset
Reset your password by entering in your email below.
A newly generated password will be emailed to you within 10-15 minutes.
If you require any additional assistance contact
Email Address:
Codex Version:
Enable Forge World Units:
- Under development...
Enable Shopping Mode:
- Under development...
Warning: This force will not be tournament legal.
Loading Saved Force
Loading force...
Save Force
Save your force to the server to load anytime you want, and make it sharable to friends.
Force Name:
Points: 1034 Models: 45 Codex: Version 5a - Tau Empire